Sunday, June 30, 2024
Home Authors Posts by Emily Thomas

Emily Thomas


The top 25 influencers in UK padel – part four

Welcome to the latest in our series profiling Britain's pioneering padelistas. If you missed them, take a look back at parts one, two and...

The top 25 influencers in UK padel – part three

It's time for the latest instalment in our much-discussed series - and this week we've gone for five industry big hitters who are well...

The top 25 influencers in UK padel – part two

In this second tranche of our series (part one here), we select five more figures who have played their own roles in steepening the...

The top 25 influencers in UK padel – part one

As the UK padel scene continues to boom, we thought it was time to take stock of the key figures who have taken us...

Gloucester – the UK’s next padel hotspot?

Padel's growth in the south west of England is expanding beyond the hotbed of Bristol into neighbouring Gloucester with two exciting new venues opening...