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I’m not young, male, white, able-bodied and rich… can I still play padel?


Is padel doing all it can to welcome players from every section of society? GB women’s seniors international and padel coach Nicky Horn asks a few pertinent questions about padel’s approach to inclusion.

I’m not young, male, white, able-bodied and rich – but, just like you, I love padel.

Just a few simple concessions from padel club operators would help me access and enjoy the game to the full – and in turn make padel venues more diverse and vibrant places to be. With just a few tweaks, here’s how different demographics might be better accommodated – and what benefits they can bring.

Anne Wodhams and Diane Caulkett

I’m old – I can play during the day when your courts aren’t full. I am on a pension so it would so help if you could give me a cheaper rate in the day time. I can come with my University of the 3rd Age (u3a) groups, my friends or other organisations, regularly.

I’m female – I want to play tournaments but need a little confidence first, so sessions with a female coach would encourage me to come and play. When I do I will book in advance, I will be so keen and I will bring all my friends.

UK PADEL Schools and School Alumni Championships

I’m at school – I love playing with my family and friends, but I don’t earn and I am busy during term time. Please can you put on holiday courses with padel coaches who like juniors? I will play every day and my parents will bring me down. They can then play at the same time – doubling the number of daytime courts booked.

I have a disability – access to the courts needs to be easy for me. Inspired by the success of our GB Paralympic team, I want to meet and play other players with a disability. Can you be part of the Inclusive Padel Tour and be one of the first in the UK to welcome our community?

I have a different background to the players I see on court – can you welcome and encourage my group of friends to feel part of your community?

We share the same love of padel – we want to be equal, but we have different needs. Can padel centres help us all feel part of the padel community?

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